The band is ready for tonight’s MS/HS Spring concert. Come join them at 7pm at the Elementary gym.
“Picnic and Park Fun” Kindergarten Class
Kindergarten released Painted Lady butterflies on the playground.
1st Performance ✔️
Great job kids.
The play will not be live-streamed this year so plan to com out tomorrow for the 1pm or 7pm performance 🎭
“Last One Seen at the Scene of the Crime”
Doors open at 6:30pm, show begins at 7:00pm.
Since the beginning of March, students in the freshman English class at WSHS have been reading through and acting out the Shakespearean classic Romeo and Juliet. Reading this story is part of their curriculum for English I, and, as you can see in the photos, they are thoroughly enjoying it! - AJ Neely, Journalism student
Jerauld County conservation district came to 5th grade.
Taryn Bartel won the local contest. London Mikkelson was 3rd.
Taryn’s story was 2nd at the state level.
They presented awards to them and trees to all yesterday.
FFA State Meeting Results
Vet Science
Team - 3rd
Riley Rudner - 3rd
Avery Orth - 9th
Farm Management
Team - 3rd
Kaden Wolter - 3rd
Quinten Christensen - 16th
Team - 5th
Abby Kolousek - 15th
Hannah Heezen - 19th
Team - 6th
Braydin LaBore - 17th
Blake Larson - 20th
Ag Mechanics
Team - 6th
Carson Hainy - 19th
Team - 7th
Landen Christensen - 13th
Robert Hine - 19th
Pictured is the Vet Science and Farm Management teams.
Wessington Springs MS and HS Drama presents....
It is the week of the Spring Play, which means practices are finishing up and preparation is just about done. During practice this week, the characters had their first dress rehearsal. They will continue to practice throughout the week in preparation for opening night. Performance of the play will be Friday, April 29th at 7pm and Saturday, April 30th with two scheduled times at 1pm and 7pm at the Opera House. We hope to see everyone there to witness the hard work of the students and enjoy some entertainment! - Cade Mohling, Journalism student
Enjoy these Self Portraits from from the 1st Grade!
Congratulations to the Wessington Springs FCCLA Chapters. You represented yourself, our school and our community well.
I am so proud of you! ~ Mrs. Mohling
Branden Flowers completed his term as the SD State Junior High Representative at the end of the state meeting.
Mercedes Jones was elected as the 2022-2023 SD State Junior High Representative.
Branden Flowers and Carissa Scheel were selected to serve on the National
Outreach Leadership Team for 2022-2023.
Haeleigh Mulder and Riley Roduner were selected to serve on the Current Trends Leadership Team for 2022-2023.
Harlee Heim received the Presidential Award and Harlee Heim was selected to serve on the Advocacy Leadership Team for 2022-23.
The Junior High Knowledge Bowl Team – Wynand Bothma, Will Bruckner, Branden Flowers, Robbie Hine, and Karter Mebius – earned first place with a win over the Clark team.
Estrellita Cardona, Mercedes Jones, Areannah Miller, Remie Roduner, and Addy Orth received the Gold Level Outstanding Junior High Member Award.
Sydney Richardson received the Silver Level Outstanding Junior High Member Award.
Estrellita Cardona received 1st for her essay for the Outstanding Junior High Member Award.
Will Bruckner tied for 1st place in the Talent Show.
Sophia Borras-Mas and Carla Powell placed 1st in the Interpersonal Communications STAR Event.
The following students received a Top Superior on their STAR Event :
Junior High Members - Landen Christensen, Robbie Hine, and Karter Mebius;
Areannah Miller and Sydney Richardson; Kerstynn Heim and Logan Mohling;
Ashlyn Weber; Branden Flowers
Senior Members – Hannah Heezen, Harlee Heim, Haeleigh Mulder, Avery Orth,
Riley Roduner, Caroline Witte
Both the Junior High and the Senior chapters received the Merit Chapter Award.
The Senior Chapter received the Public Relations Award.
The Junior High Chapter received the Membership Increase Award for Region 3.
On a nice afternoon outside at play practice, students painted all decorations for the set for this year’s spring play. Make sure to come support us on April 29th at 7:00pm and April 30th at 1:00pm and 7:00pm!
- Written by Blake Miller
The FFA is looking for Jackets for students to borrow for state convention. Please contact the school if you have one we can borrow.
Due to a frigid weather forecast and high winds, the De Smet Invitational Track Meet on Thursday, April 14th has been CANCELLED.
FFA put in a great night of Donkey Basketball!
Ready for some Donkey basketball!!!
Congratulations to our FFA Team on and Outstanding day in Groton.
Groton FFA Results - April 7th
Overall Chapter Sweepstakes - 1st
Farm Management - 1st
Kaden - 3rd
Cheyenne - 6th
Quinten - 9th
Vet Science - 1st
Avery - 1st
Harlee - 2nd
Horses - 1st
Raylee - 2nd
Abby - 5th
Caroline - 7th
Hannah - 9th
Meats - 2nd
Braydin - 3rd
Carter - 5th
Blake - 8th
Ag Mech - 2nd
Kirstie - 3rd
Austin - 9th
Agronomy - 3rd
Landen - 5th
Robbie - 6th
Floriculture - 4th
Patricia - 8th
Kindra - 7th
Kindergarten is making "Bread in a Bag"
Reminder that there is NO Elementary school tomorrow.
The 5th-8th grade will be having their music contest at the Elementary.