Go Spartans!
5 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
home volleyball
Join us for our Homecoming Tailgate meal Friday! Thank you to our wonderful sponsors. Go Blackhawks!
5 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
REMINDER: School Photos are Monday, September 9th We will start at 7:45 with Cross Country and Volleyball photos. Varsity will go first to allow any JH kids time to arrive if they are riding the bus. They will be followed by Elementary school photos then on to the MS/HS school photos and Senior Banner photos. Order forms were sent home with Elementary students. If you need a paper order form please contact the school office. Here is the link to order your photos online. https://marks.hhimagehost.com/wss
5 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING: A joint screening for families with children ages birth to five within the Wessington Springs School District will be held on (9/11/2024). The screening will take place at the Wessington Springs Elementary Gym from 8:30 am–10:30 am. This screening is to make you aware of the developmental milestones your child has mastered. A team consisting of personnel from Core Educational Cooperative and the Wessington Springs School will screen each child in the areas of vision, hearing, language, motor, and developmental skills. Results for each child screened will be available the day of the screening. How do I register my child: Appointments Only. Call the Wessington Springs site (605-539-9500) for appointments.
5 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
We have re-opened the Spartan Fan Gear order. Use the following link to place your order. Store will close Wednesday, September 11th at midnight. https://https-sungoldsports-com.printavo.com/merch/wessington-springs-2024/?page=1
5 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
Tonight's Volleyball game in Iroquois will NOT be Live streamed.
5 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
Homecoming 2024
5 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
Congratulations to our 2024-25 Homecoming Court
5 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
Mark's Photography will be taking all of our school and sport photos again this year. August 21st - Football photos - Ordering Link: https://marks.hhimagehost.com/scwsports September 9th - Ordering Link: https://marks.hhimagehost.com/wss School Photos Senior Banner Photos Volleyball and Cross Country Photos
6 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
school photo
SPARKLER Cheer Camp! September 9-13th
6 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
cheer camp
It's that time of year again!
6 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
back to school
Spartan Boosters have the Spartan Fan Gear online order ready. Deadline is August 14th https://https-sungoldsports-com.printavo.com/merch/wessington-springs-2024/?page=1
6 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
Attention throwers! Coach Arhart would like to take throwers to the Corn Palace Throws Clinic, July 22 & 23. Jav- Monday 5-7pm, Shot & Discuss - Tuesday 9am-5pm. $20/ session or $50 for all. Please contact Coach Arhart or Coach Krueger if you are interested.
7 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
The Spartan girls basketball team is selling Spartan caps. There are 4 caps with some color options. Click on the link below to place your order. The online store will end on July 8th. https://https-sungoldsports-com.printavo.com/merch/spartans-hat
8 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
Ella Fagerhaug is hosting a Roping Clinic in August. Contact her to sign up. She is generously giving 10% of total entry fees to our Blue Bag Program.
8 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
Congratulations to the Spartan Golf Team for being the Region 2B Champions and qualifying for the State Golf Tournament. Please click on the website below to order your State Golf Shirts. Orders are due Monday, May 27th. https://https-sungoldsports-com.printavo.com/merch/wessington-springs-state-golf-2024
9 months ago, Jill Braun
State Track Schedule Go SPARTANS!
9 months ago, Becky Krueger
state track
Yesterday 2nd semester AR awards
9 months ago, Becky Krueger
1st grade AR
3rd grade
4th grade
6th grade
Bike winners with Masons
Seniors getting ready for Sweet challenge
Join in and honor our beloved Miss Bergeleen the last week of school.
9 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans
Come out to celebrate the students Academic and Athletic Achievements.
9 months ago, Wessington Springs Spartans